Give That Some Thought Podcast

GTST Episode 296: Jewish Fish Monger

We smoke weed, and then talk about sandwiches for two hours.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 296: Jewish Fish Monger

GTST Episode 295: 100% DEMORALIZIED

We smoke weed, and Matt tries to tell a story, and we still didn’t get any donations. We also discuss the conundrum of watercast, and our exit strategy involving professional water reviews. Matt finally gets back to his point, and we discuss the OF debacle at length. Addison talks a break to about the problem with #AllWomen, and Matt makes all kinds of predictions about OF that are now all wrong. Matt tries to keep Addison from talking about mind control. (LOL)

We also talk about the feds, (HI GUYS) and the clown show that is Afghanistan, and the glowtard at the Library of Congress. We also talk about how to tune out, and live your life.

A portion of the proceeds from this show goes towards transgendered BIPOC retards that vote democrat. Please donate now.

GTST Episode 295: 100% DEMORALIZIED

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 294: Giants And Coronavirus

GTST Episode 294: Giants and Coronavirus

GTST Episode 294: Giants and Coronavirus

We break down Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium. The world knows. Bellweather counties tell all. We talk about current events for 5 minutes straight, then Matt lights a joint with a candle the way God intended. It’s all down hill from there. Stop listening. Please.

Matt talks about work. (duh) Addison is uncomfortable ashing into a candle. We talk about the Taliban and the radicalized jab. Matt gives a speech as Robert Duvall. We discuss OTG living, taunt the harriers, and Addison tells a story. We talk about how official narratives are all made up by people in power, and how people worship the jab. Addison rants about the technocracy (obviously) and we talk about THE END GAME.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 294: Giants And Coronavirus

GTST Episode 293: Open Line Telegram

GTST Episode 293: Open Line Telegram

This episode is brought to you by friend of the show Jay, Tripod Creator Hango, and friend of the show Sarah.

Jay starts us off with some talk about money and Jabs, spirituality and mRNA, Operation Warp Speed, Animal trials and more. We also discuss a literal vs figurative six day creation and the meaning of the seventh day in the Judeo Christian Bible.

Addison tells his understanding of the Chaco Canyon ruins and Hango gives some history of the indigenous people of his area, which leads into a conversation about burial mounds among the Mississippi valley tribes. We round it back out to commonalities in ancient civilizations, the Great Flood, and God’s invisible attributes in the cosmos. Hango talks about the invisble attributes, total chaos, and God from his dumb Viking Brain.

Addison talks about ancient ruins in the context of scripture, and the lost civilizations and knowledge in the fertile crescent and beyond. We talk about the King James cult, and earthly kingdoms verses spiritual ones. We also talk about the Old Testament peril of judges and kings. Hango talks about his experience with people, and the concept of faith, and Addison talks about his concept of faith and the faith of militant athiests, and we also get into cosmology and the God of the Bible.

Hango talks about the fast food options in his town, and how God spared him on the Lord’s Day.

Addison rants and raves about screen time with children, pedophilia in the Vatican, and Hango talks about the best way to raise kids.

Sarah joins to tell us how she raises her kids and the balance of nature and the analog world in regards to parenting. Addison rants about God in nature and the result of the concrete jungle and we all talk about the benefits of nature. We all try and diagnose why my son won’t eat steak, and how kids make decisions about food.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 293: Open Line Telegram

GTST Episode 292: Herpes Roulette

GTST Episode 292: Herpes Roulette

Sars, Mers, coronavirus, oh my! There’s some discussion about the jab, dead ferrets, and more. (cuz why not) Addison shreds the postmillennialism take on Satan, Matt explains groupthink and programming. along with some geopolitics sprinkled in. After that there’s a brief interlude where we didn’t do anything illegal at all. Friend of the show Jay gets a mention. Matt tells a story about colleagues, and the Wuhan Fluhan.

The weed takes it from there, and we get into sin, the nature of reality, Q, and THE RETURN OF TRUMP and the DELTA VARIANT. (this is just for SEO, we don’t believe in any of these things) Pfizer pays everyone’s bills.. EVERYONE GET THE JAB and their BOOSTERS! Chris friend of the show gets a mention. Binaural beats, YouTube sleep magick, Beats by Dre, social engineering, sorcery and more! Addison gives Disney a swift kick in the nuts and have to deal with Matt’s biannual circle jerk to Swiss Family Robinson.


Matt talks about Cecil B Demill a lot, and Addison talks about evil clown Nephilim, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and more. Then Matt explains why PROSTITUTION is herpes roulette and we finally return to Jon Hamm’s Body vs Christina Hendricks to get the answer we’ve been waiting for. Then have what some might call #AllWomen, where we discuss the stages of a woman’s body, and the aging process of the sexes, (enjoy, kids!) the magic of pregnancy, and how women are terrible people and shitty men.

Then we discuss Matt’s kitchen in detail, with a focus on Matt’s headaches, and we also give advice to friends of the show in Matt’s kitchen. Ice Ice Baby. We talk about the meaning of “Tonight?” and Matt goes on a rabbit trail about gout and bigass sandwiches and how to pull a double on your nights off. There’s a pickle recipe, and stoner recipes in general. Kielbasa! Pimento Cheese! Stoner food cast! We also discuss Matt’s secret menu at his restaurant. Red Pepper Mac and Cheese. Matt rails on women and we both take on CHYYYYYNA.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 292: Herpes Roulette

GTST Episode 291: Meat Candy

GTST Episode 291: Meat Candy

Matt updates on just about everything in his life. Because that’s all anyone cares about. A tiny bit of current of events, a lot of BS, and a recipe for pork belly.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 291: Meat Candy

GTST Episode 290: Dudes Going Out and Gettin’ Laid

GTST Episode 290: Dudes Going Out and Gettin’ Laid

Matt tries the “reverse N bomb” to try and generate some support for the Tripod, then he describes why England is so racist. Then we hear Matt’s excuse for missing the White Boy Summer Fourth of July Jamboree. (Matt went clubbing.) Addison shares his idea to curb the problem of bicyclists:

Addison had to tell his family about the dancing Israelis, and there’s a brilliant watercast and a lesson in alkalinity.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 290: Dudes Going Out And Gettin' Laid

GTST Episode 289: Satire

GTST Episode 289: Satire

Wolf spiders. New pipes. Jewish space lasers. Addison eats dinner. Matt drinks cheap shots. People love the Telegram shows. Matt defends his heretical high octane speculation. Matt tries to sell Addison on drugs.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.


Gtst Episode 289: Satire

GTST Episode 288: Open Line Telegram

GTST Episode 288: Open Line Telegram

Another great call-in episode from the Give That Some Thought Telegram channel. Thank you to all who participated.

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 288: Open Line Telegram

GTST Episode 287: Did God Surely Say? (BONUS)

GTST Episode 287: Did God Surely Say? (BONUS)

Joining Addison in this bonus episode is special guest Aaron M. from GTST’s Heretical Scientific Think Tank members only Telegram chat. Aaron gives us a bit of background on his Christian faith, and how he came to hold the beliefs he has today. We also discuss 70AD and the fall of Jerusalem, biblical eschatology, demons, fallen angels, Nephilim, lucifer and so on. Later in the episode we dive into 9/11, Project Blue Beam, Operation Northwoods, and high financial crimes. We also discussed Qanon, Majestic 12, “Disclosure”, and what the objective of the MRNA vaccines might be.

Hillary Email:

Dark Journalist Broadcast about the Hot Zone

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and reach out directly to Addison on Telegram for an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 287: Did God Surely Say? (Bonus)

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