Give That Some Thought Podcast

GTST Episode 136: Third Brown Eye

Women aren’t funny, and science tells us so. Amy Schumer’s mistake was that she didn’t steal any good jokes. Steal them all and get funny, Amy. There’s a lot of discussion about the “get off my lawn” urge that both Matt and Addison suffer from. Then Matt gives his idea for a lottery system of government and we give that some thought for a few minutes. There’s some discussion about what the Muslim Ban news domination piece might be there to distract us from and we also browse Reddit and think about some of the things there. We ponder why the government still uses emails, and discuss a story about 31 pounds of cocaine. To top it off, Matt explains the application to get into the world order, and subsequently, the New World Order.

GTST Episode 136: Third Brown Eye

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

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Gtst Episode 136: Third Brown Eye

Give That Some Thought Podcast

GTST Episode 135: Legitimize The BS

Addison lets Matt gripe about his living situation and discuss how awesome the next two weeks are going to be. We both tell some stories about living with people. Matt admonishes that some things are deserving of a spanking, and blunders the intro. There’s a little bit more speculation about #Pizzagate, and we also discuss Blue Apron of all things. We also gripe about the women’s march, and the supposed inequality of pay.

GTST Episode 135: Legitimize The BS

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and leave a comment if you would like an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 135: Legitimize The Bs

Give That Some Thought Podcast

GTST Episode 130: A Sh*tstorm of Chaos

Addison tells a story of a terrible decision, and there’s a bit of an update on #Pizzagate to start it off. After that a fan favorite comes back in the form of Fox News vs. Infowars where Matt attempts to defend his title and reign supreme. There’s some discussion on how THC consumption has evolved perhaps not for the better, what Gary Johnson has been up to since the election and whether or not Jill Stein is a lunatic.

GTST Episode 130: A Sh*tstorm of Chaos

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and leave a comment if you would like an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 130: A Sh*Tstorm Of Chaos

Give That Some Thought Podcast

GTST Episode 129: Demons and Hell and Stuff

We discuss echo chambers and there’s an announcement from Addison about the annual #MerryPissedmas celebration and the time of year that warms his heart in a special way and Matt and Addison both recap their Thanksgiving holiday and how it went. Matt also gives a quick lesson about corporate logos and some of the conspiracy theories around them. We play through Kanye’s complete meltdown and discuss the aftermath of fallout and what it might mean when you consider his hospitalization. To top it all off we recap where the internet is at without r/pizzagate, and discuss why what happened might have happened, as well as the Reddit CEO’s outburst on /r/The_Donald.

GTST Episode 129: Demons and Hell and Stuff

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and leave a comment if you would like an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 129: Demons And Hell And Stuff

Give That Some Thought Podcast

GTST Episode 128: Pizzagate

We discuss some more of what happened on election day and the ridiculous aftermath it’s caused in the media. There’s some discussion about emotional masturbation and the fallout of surrounding yourself with only views that you hold. We criticize Trump for some of the things Trump has done since his president-elect status. We discussed pizzagate and what it actually is and give a sort of summary of the facts as they are known at the moment, and finally we breakdown a majority of Trump’s 100 days plan and discuss which things are actually beneficial as well as their likelihood to happen.

GTST Episode 128: Pizzagate

This program and others on Tripod Broadcasting are brought to you in part by the superior CBD products from Eables CBD, the premium hemp-derived delta-8 THC at, and by listeners like you.

Follow the show on Telegram and leave a comment if you would like an invite to the GTST inner circle.

Gtst Episode 128: Pizzagate