
GTST Episode 238: The Hand That Feeds You

An analysis of the landscape of media and culture. Some shits and giggles, and plenty of weird.

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Gtst Episode 238: The Hand That Feeds You

Frozen Pizza Ep. 5: Game of Captain Zumba Roomba

There will be much public shaming over how late this podcast is. There is no excuse and we are sorry (blame Alex, he’s a bum).

Public shaming of one of our co-hosts aside, this is Game of Captain Zumba Roomba, the fifth edition of the Frozen Pizza adventure. This week (last week), talked about the season premier of Game of Thrones (spoiler free), the latest edition in the Marvel movie universe, and even some other minor movie and TV news. Cory delivers his latest Lil Jon pitch (you will not want to miss this). Finally, Alex goes over some of the biggest technology news from the month of March and the box office highlights.

As always, please leave your comments on this post, or visit us on Twitter and Facebook. Enjoy!

TV Teardown #3: True Detective Season 1

Matt and Addison introduce a few new recurring segments, including “What did we watch this week.” This week’s episode focused largely on the HBO series True Detective. After that comes a look at a classic TV episode of the Honeymooners “Better Living Through TV.” They analyze the modern sitcom style and it’s beginnings, and also throw a nod to The Walking Dead in a recurring Walking Dead segment.


  • True Detective (HBO): Season 1
  • The Walking Dead (AMC): S04E14

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